The Return to Sedona


After my previous experience , I did some research
on the Sedona area and returned the following August.

returning home,I began to research the area and found it to have been a
sacred area that the native Americans only went to for spiritual

I also found it to be considered sacred in the esoteric
world of today, I decided to pursue further the reason why I had
experienced what I did while visiting there.

Making contact
with people living in the area, I found that my experiences were not
unusual, they were for me!! I was informed that many people had UFO
encounters as well as past life remembrances, while in the area  of the
Vortices, as the power points were called.

Being the adventurous kind, I made an appointment with a local hypnotist and decided to find out what this was all about.

I had scheduled a morning and afternoon session, one would be on Bell
Rock and the other would be in Boynton Canyon, both areas where a lot
of UFO activity seemed to be centered.

The morning of the appointments, “Deer”, my hypnotherapist picked my up in front of my
hotel and we proceeded to Bell Rock, not knowing what to expect ,I was
a little apprehensive. She explained that we would actually perform the
session on Bell Rock , at a point that I considered appropriate! 

Not knowing exactly where to go , I just found a nice shady spot and
prepared for the session. As I entered the trance , I couldn’t believe
what was happening, I was “seeing” people living under ground in the
Sedona area, living life in some prehistoric Mastodon era. It all
seemed so natural and I felt connected to them as my elbow seemed
attached to the earth by some electrical force that was almost painful!

Further into the session, It became known to me that during my original visit,
I had an UFO encounter at Bell Rock and had gone into a UFO! WOW!! I
could see the whole  episode and it seemed perfectly natural. I also
had some past life recall, what a morning!

In the afternoon , we traveled to Boynton Canyon, where I could actually feel extraterrestrials in my presence!

What a day, certainly not what I had expected , this would take some time to
sort out, as this was completely out of the box from anything I had
ever experienced or believed! The problem was, it made sense to me,
more than anything else I had ever been taught or read.

I would continue to read , study and experience this new found element of life for the next several years.

To find my own answers, it would take me to the four corners of the earth .


Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature,landscapes and studying native cultures.Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt,the Canary Islands,much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America, and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!


He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.


For more information and a link to his hard cover and Ebooks,and contact information: please check his

You can also follow him on your Kindle.


Your comments appreciated

Bashful country

A Modern Day Walk About


Bell Rock Sedona, Arizona

Bell Rock, Sedona Arizona
A few days after Christmas of 1987, I began contemplating what to do
during a week I had scheduled for vacation the middle of
February. No sooner than I began to think about it, I
received a phone call from my aunt in Arizona. It was
unusual that she would call and during the conversation I
was asked when I would be coming to see her.
Without even thinking, I answered, “In February.”
It was a cold and windy day as I entered Cincinnati Airport,
anxious to bask in the warm sunshine of Arizona. I had no
idea of the changes in my life the next several days would
As I landed in Phoenix, I scurried to pick up my rental car
from Budget Car Rental and hurriedly left the airport.
Driving towards Sun City on I-17 , I began to realize how
warm it was, so I rolled down a window, that didn’t really
help much,so I put down the other window, it was then I
realized how hot it seemed to me, so I put the windows up
and turned on the air conditioning! WOW, this ain’t too bad
a deal!!
The next day ,we decided to do some sight seeing, and headed
for Sedona, a town that I had never heard of, but reportedly
was very beautiful and scenic, as it turned out that was a
gross understatement!
As we made the trek up I-17, I began to notice cars with
skis on top of the roof, as warm as it was, it was hard to
imagine that snow skiing was possible a scant 75 miles away!
Busy as we were talking, we completely missed the turn off
to Cottonwood which would have enabled us to take advantage
of the best view of Sedona by entering from the west.
Realizing that everything happens for a reason, I wasn’t to
concerned. I would soon discover the reason for us coming
the way we did.
As Bell Rock came into view, extreme hunger overcame me,
this was an extremely peculiar circumstance as my aunt had
prepared a rather large breakfast immediately prior to
leaving Phoenix.
My aunt, being the good aunt she was had brought some
apples, peanuts, and ice tea on the trip. I pulled along
side of the road and ate everything we had.
Still feeling very faint,hungary and light headed, I started
driving past Bell Rock, wanting to take some photographs I
pulled off the road and began walking back towards the rock
to get a better angle.
Looking up at the top of the bell, I “saw”large firey sparks
coming from the top, taking a few photos, I walked back to
the car.
Having never lost sight of the car, I was perplexed as to
why my aunt was concerned because she had lost sight of me.
Continuing our journey we soon reached Sedona, as it was now
nearly noon, we both were hungry so we stopped at the most
popular restaurant in town, The Coffee Pot in West Sedona.
This is a restaurant that serves full plate lunches, I was
still extremely hungry and consumed my dinner and half of my
aunts.I think she was beginning to wonder if I had ever
eaten when I was home.
Feeling a little better I decided to drive back to Bell Rock
and see what that was all about. As I entered the area,the
same feelings began to return, so I turned around and exited
the area and drove to Cottonwood, and back to Phoenix.
As soon as I left the area I began to feel normal again.
Returning to Phoenix I began to do research on Sedona, the
only information that I could find while in Arizona was that
the Indians considered it to be a sacred land.
I knew I would return to unlock the mystery.

Now you can follow me on Kindle.

Bashful country

The spiritual journey of a bashful country boy.