Your Life Plan

Life plan

As we travel through life , we slowly begin to realize there is some
sort of Grand Design to not only our life , but the lives of people
around us. We slowly realize the final outcome of our life is largely
determined by the decisions we make in our youth and maybe even earlier.

Later in life we  continuously make  decisions  that shape and change our destiny.
thought , word and deed we commit has a great bearing on what we
become. In spite of all this,  there is even a greater influence on our
lives, it’s the Grand Design we all agree to before entering the earth

Grand Design is placed in play by not only the Grand Architect of the
Universe, but it is also agreeable to by us before birth. This Grand
Plan lays out our life and the path we need to follow for the highest
level of growth and happiness.  It isn’t confining or restricting, it
only exemplifies the least we can accomplish and still reach our goals.

is not an iron clad agreement and we are free to change it at any time.
However, when we struggle against our mission in life , we will never
be happy or content, and we will find ourselves dissatisfied with life.
This malcontent is often at the root of many of our frustrations and
many times leads to alcoholism and various physical and emotional
ailments that can lead to much personal tragedy in life.

times this Plan will push us past what we thought our physical and
emotional limits are. Many times we will feel uncomfortable and not want
to go on, this is the time we need to go outside the box and discover
new areas of expertise and strength. That is part of the Grand Design.

don’t all have grandiose and great missions in life, perhaps yours is
to assist someone else, or raise a child and provide a good home for a
family. These life missions are just as important , if not more
important than being a world leader. Many times our mission in life is
to just enjoy life and enjoy the fruits of our labors from a previous

every lifetime can be a earth shattering experience where we make huge
contributions to society and mankind, sometimes we just need to chill
out and enjoy the earth experience. The soul needs to experience every
form of life to grow to it’s highest potential and rejoin with the God

Whatever you mission in life enjoy and take from it the knowledge you need to gain.

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The Will of God

is not always easy for us to know what God’s Will is. There are many
misconceptions about what is meant. Many fundamentalists believe it
means a life of sacrifice and giving up all of life’s  pleasures.

can be further from the truth, God would not have provided all that he
has if he had meant for us to not partake in the rewards of life. While
it is true some sacrifice is involved,life isn’t meant to be all work
and no play.

there is some sacrifice involved, it only means giving up some of our
animalistic instincts and developing self control. It means taking control of your life and treating others as you would be treated.

means living by the Will of God, or doing as your higher self or God
would desire you to do. This is different for every one, we each come
into this life with different life paths to follow. Hence doing “your”
Will of God can be different than someone else’s.

a way it has more to do with following that small voice inside each of
us and allowing it to guide us in making the right decisions in life.
 It has much to do with character building, probably even more than
treating others correctly. If we work on improving ourselves, then
treating others correctly will come naturally.

is important, however that doesn’t mean we always give others a free
pass on their transgressions. They also need to be accountable for their
deeds.  It means providing others a means to learn, grow, and provide
for their basic needs. It doesn’t mean providing a handout unless they
are unable to provide for themselves.

their karma is interfered with and we take the opportunity from them to
support themselves and families, a great injustice is done to them.
They then become slaves to the providers, that is not God’s Will. God
wants all of us to be free to make our own decisions and learn and grow
from the experience.

Will can mean many things to many people depending upon how they were
taught growing up. However, there are as many misconceptions in this
field as there are in any phase of life. I strongly feel following the
Will of God has less to do with how we treat others and more to do with
following the guidance we receive from “The Source”. If we follow the
true instincts felt in our gut, we will be following the Will of God,
and all other aspects of our life will fall into place.

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2012:The Sceond Coming

the year 2012 approaches and  the Mayan and other ancient calendars
come to an end, many are wondering what is in store for the inhabitants
of planet earth. Is the world actually going to end on December 21,
2012? Are all the doomsayers correct in their dire predictions?  What
chance do we have of surviving this cataclysmic event, and how is it
going to happen?

you are looking for an easy way out of this current life you are
leading, I hate to inform you, but the world isn’t going anywhere. The
world and it’s inhabitants will be here for a long time after 2012
passes from the scene.

end of the current Mayan  and Cherokee calendars as well as many others
only signifies the ending of an age. A new era will begin on December
22. As a matter of fact this is something that is gradual, it doesn’t
happen over night. Many are beginning and have felt the effects of this
change for quite some time.

are entering a new era of enlightenment. A time when our instinctive
abilities will magnify and become more influential in our lives. People
will begin to trust their inner knowing more and more, realizing that
all knowledge and understanding are within them. There is no magic
Messiah going to solve our problems for us, spiritual leaders can only
show the way, they are unable to do it for us.

Jesus said, “What I do , yea shall do also.” That is the message he and
other spiritual teachers have been trying to convey. We each have
inside us an inner God who is ready and willing to guide us in our daily
journeys. It is our connection with our soul or higher self that we are
all searching for.

one, not a spiritual leader, spirit guide, government leader, or any
one can chart our course. It is for us to do, we , each and every one of
us, are in control of our destiny and future. It is only by becoming
united with our inner knowledge or God Source can we find the path we
have charted even before birth.

though we chose and were given a life plan before birth, that is only a
rough sketch of what we can or need to do. I like to think of it as the
bare minimum we can accomplish and still feel comfortable that we are
completing our life purpose.

my humble opinion , that is what the second coming is all about, there
may be a great leader emerge with all of this, but his mission will be
to provide us the knowledge whereby more and more people will gain the
knowledge to go within and find answers to all their questions.

all of my quests for knowledge, I have consulted with psychics,
shamans, and visionary leaders, and have always been told the same
thing. The answers you seek are within, you already know the answer, you
know what is best for you. No one can decide for you which course of
action to follow.

retrospect, I now realize America was meant to be that shining city on
the hill, the new Jerusalem, eternal in the heavens. America has
provided more opportunity for each of us to realize our full potential
than any other nation in the knowable history. Even many people who
haven’t had the opportunity to live in this great country have

events throughout history have laid the ground work for the creation of
this nation. Nothing happens by accident. We are now on the threshold
of an era when a new connection can be found uniting us with the Divine
Source, from whence all things come.

Enjoy the ride and keep an open mind and while reaching for the stars, keep one foot on the ground.

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The Meaning of Life

traveled to various sacred sites all over the world, talked to Aboriginal elders, Maya Shamans, Native American shamans,psychics,
hypnotists,  and sometimes I don’t think I know any more about the
meaning of life than any one else.

 It seems as though it doesn’t  matter
how much we know, or the visions we get, no one really knows what is
going to happen next. One may know something is going to happen sooner
or later, but we normally don’t know when or all of the details of the

Life never ends.

times the final outcome is far different than we imagine or could even dream about. I have found many times , the final outcome, if left to the
wishes of our Higher Self is far better than we could ever assume.

as human beings normally have a pretty narrow and limited vision of the
possibilities of the soul. When a thought comes to us, we normally try
to rationalize and put the outcome in our own limited perspective. This
is not the way we should approach the matter.

has to realize the possibilities are limitless and our higher self ,
because it is our connection to Divine Being, knows what we really want
and desire. Left to it’s own design it will provide the best possible
outcome for us.

is part of us and as such knows our heart’s desires. As possibilities
come to us , we have the free will to accept or decline to opportunity.
Thus, it isn’t always to our advantage to take the first reality offered
us. It can sometimes take a little while for what we really want to
come about, but it always does, and it is well worth the wait.

we realize what we think the final outcome should be, it may take
sometime for the universe to rearrange itself to suit our wishes.
Sometimes the people we want in our lives have to “clear” their
calendars in order to materialize for us.

we take on a new project in life, doesn’t it take some time for us to
rearrange our schedule to be able to fit the new endeavor into our
lives?  It’s the same in the spirit world. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

times , while we are waiting for our new life, a different perspective
will come to us , and we need to adjust our “wish list” a little.
Sometimes a new possibility enters the equation that we had never
thought of or deemed possible.

times it could take years to realize our dream , in that case it just
means we and others in our future have unfinished business to take care
of. The important thing to remember is to just hang on enjoy the ride
and savor every minute. Your future is waiting.

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Aboriginal Lore: Spirit Children

concept of spirit children is a belief held by many ancient cultures.
The belief is based on the idea that a spirit child selects his parents
before or at the time of conception. Along with this idea it is only
reasonable to assume the parents would also have to agree to this

falls in line completely with the concept of free will, which we all
possess. Nothing is done in our life or pre-existence without our
consent. Free will has a play in every aspect of life, one simply cannot
have free will in choosing whether to have a hamburger or fish sandwich
and not have free will in choosing every aspect of our life. Free Will
is a law of Nature and thus cannot be changed.

Aborigines of the Australian out back were and still are firm believers
of the spirit child theory. They accept it unequivocally, even going so
far as to accept the child if the known father is someone else than the
mother’s mate. In aborigine custom, the father has to dream of the
child before it can be his. The dream actually has more to do with
parental lineage than sperm.

Uluru , Ancient Aboriginal sacred site

times a male aborigine will dream of his child many years before
conception. Many times the dream occurs during periods of hunting or
isolation from their families. In a representative dream, a small
dark-skinned spirit-child, two to three inches high, reveals its name
and expresses a desire for birth. If the man has several wives, he
chooses the most appropriate mother and describes her whereabouts to the
spirit-child. Often times the spirit child will tell the father of
another soul desiring to be his spirit child and that such child will
arrive in so many years.

after the aborigines learned of the concept of conception, they still
held to the belief that it wasn’t necessary for the birth of a child.
This idea could even have a bearing on the idea of an immaculate
conception held by many religions.

aborigine way of life is mainly a spiritual way of life, everything is
centered around the dream time.  They believe we “dream up” every thing
before it actually can happen in the physical world. Thus the dreams of
the individual are very important as they are an indication of things to

they began to adopt the white man’s ways, the birth rates began to drop
in many of the tribes. A missionary’s advice, “Increase sexual contact
with your wives,” fell upon deaf ears. The Worora knew that conception
depends upon a spirit-child’s will to be born. The physical sex act was
“more or less insignificant,” even though the men had been educated
about male sperm.

me this only strengthens the belief there has to be a spiritual bond
between mother , father and child to create a bond that will last
through eternity. As is the case in every aspect of life, if there is no
spiritual connections, there is no connection.

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2012: Changing Attitudes About Government

Due to the shift in consciousness inherent with the Mayan Calendar ending in
2012 there will also be a shift in attitude concerning government and
it’s influence in our daily lives.

has been a general trend over the last several years for government to
exert more control and influence in our daily lives. Many people would
like a cradle to grave society where government would take care of us
and cater to our every need.

is not only unachievable, but undesirable as well. Even though it
sounds wonderful on the surface, many problems arise when one puts
another in charge of their life. Evidence of this is already surfacing
as it is becoming more and more evident that government interference is
not a desirable or efficient solution to our daily challenges.

human soul does not want to be “taken care of.” The soul wants
challenges and stimulation to grow and evolve. When personal freedom is
squelched, the spirit is denied. It leaves no room for personal growth.
When the spirit is denied,it also dulls the spirit of humanity in
general. No country can grow and prosper when it’s citizens are denied
personal freedom and rights.

most people are beginning to realize this, more and more we are hearing
how Americans want the government to butt out of their lives. More
people are demanding a return to a time when people could make decisions
about their personal lives without having to consult with some
government bureaucrat.

the shift in consciousness becomes more evident, more souls will
realize how important personal freedom is. With the development of the
Internet, it is becoming more and more convenient to get involved in
politics. Also information is more freely available to the average
citizen, all sides of the political spectrum are available, now we can
seek opinions from all sides and not have to rely on the opinions of CNN
and NBC.

is all for the good, it is only by having an informed and proactive
public can freedom survive. No longer can politicians tell one group of
voters one thing, and travel to another location and say the exact
opposite. It has taken the politicians a while to figure this out as
they are still trying to pull the wool over our eyes, but times are
changing, both they and the public are becoming aware that the old ways
no longer work.

We as Americans are in control of our destiny, and only by staying informed and voting wisely.

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2012: Progression of the Soul

the current shift in consciousness that began a few years ago and will
culminate on December 21,2012,this time  in space presents a huge opportunity for the progression of the soul. The soul is always
progressing and evolving, but in this current time , there is an
opportunity for progression to speed up tremendously in order to be able
to enter the new age of enlightenment.

as individual souls have been progressing and speeding towards this
period in time for eons. Ever since creation when our soul split into
two individual and complete beings, we have been awaiting this day when
we can once again re-join our counter parts.

separation , created for our own growth and which enabled us to realize
how important relationships on earth really are, has caused much
despair, and heartache as well. This is all well and good, as the most
important lessons in life have been learned from negative experiences.

this is changing, with the coming of the new age of enlightenment and
the expansion of the Christ Consciousness because of the twin flame
factor, in the future more learning experiences will be of a more
positive nature. It’s about time!

fact, December 21, 2012 will not end the shift in consciousness that
began several years ago, it will only enter a new phase. Henceforth it
will be much easier to evolve spiritually and emotionally, many of the
old barriers of separation will be torn down , our consciousness has
advanced to the point that we realize we are the only ones who are
impeding our growth, thus the realization there was no barrier in the
first place, except our own self limiting perceptions.

frontiers will be opened to us, much as new frontiers were opened in
the development of our country, as old lands were settled and
populated,new frontiers were explored and settled, so will new frontiers
of the mind be settled and cultivated. America was and is still rich in
natural resources, so is our mind rich and uncultivated in it’s
resources and capabilities.

is much to be discovered when it comes to the capabilities of our human
consciousness and it’s connection to the God Source, or the All That
Is. Our future is both positive and exciting as new possibilities are
reached and new frontiers explored and developed for the betterment of

can hardly wait to see what the future holds and the advancements that
are made in people reaching their full potential and reuniting with the
God Source.

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2012: Time to Change

time has come, the long awaited for journey is about to begin. The time
foretold in the Maya prophesies and other ancient cultures is up on us.
We now have a choice to break free of the bondage of  old worn out
beliefs and adapt to a new way of life and thinking.

the Maya Calendar ends and a new cycle begins , the universe starts  a
new  cycle of heightened understanding of God’s Laws. The previous past
few years have only been a lesson in learning what comes about when the
laws of nature are abandoned. To me, God’s Laws and the Laws of Nature
are the same. They are unchangeable and constant, just as truth is

patterns and beliefs can and should be altered and changed according to
our continuous evolving and understanding, however  certain values are
written in stone and can never change, they are the very fabric of

are the laws of cause and effect, what you sow , so shall you reap. The
laws of nature and of physics says that if certain events are put into
motion, such as throwing a ball, certain events will transpire, the ball
will land where it is thrown. This cannot be changed.

important, when certain thoughts are entertained in the mind, and these
thoughts are continuously nurtured, sooner or later the events will
come to pass. This is why it is so important to only think positive and
entertain the thoughts we wish to come about as reality. As a man
thinketh, so shall he grow.

who continuously experience negativity in life are continuously
dwelling on their situation in life, the only way to break free of this
is to begin to think about creating a more positive life. Sooner or
later it will begin to happen , but only after your subconscious mind,
or Christ Consciousness believes it is right and just,then  it will

time unfolds , this will become easier for many more souls, already it
has become common knowledge, in many circles people are starting to
comprehend they have a choice, they really do create their life, people
are beginning to realize that God isn’t to be feared. He only wants for
us what we want. It is up to us individually to decide what course to
chart. Once  we  chart a course, God will do everything in his power to
make it happen, subject to our own time constraints.

with this comes responsibility, we as an individuals are responsible to
chart a course that is for the highest good of all concerned, any other
destination will only lead to heart ache and disappointment.

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A New Age of Enlightenment

we enter this new age of mankind, there is much discussion concerning
the end of an era. Many relate it to the earth coming to an end, however
this is not the case. Throughout history there have been countless
groups and individuals contemplating the end of civilization, they have
always been wrong, the earth is still here, humans are still here and
both will be for quite some time.

is happening with the coming age is a shift in consciousness. This is
what is foretold in the ancient Mayan legends, this is why their
calendar, as well as the Cherokee, Hindu and other calendars as well are
ending and  beginning a new cycle.

have been many prophesies before the 2012 Mayan calendar became known
and published. Even in my own life, some how I knew as a child  these
would be trying and changing times. Because of the evolved learning of
many on the planet and a desire  to know more, the earth is entering a
time of increased Christ Consciousness whereby humans are beginning to
understand their connection to their God Source.

out the ages, souls have been searching for the ultimate reunion with
their counter part,or twin flame, the part they were separated from
during creation. this has lead to much confusion and feelings of
separation , many have resorted to infidelity as a result of not being
with the one they long for.

shift in consciousness is a natural happening and a part of the grand design. It is now our choice of which way we want to go. We can either
seek the path of enlightenment or sink into old habits of self

one has the choice to relearn the tried and true values of the ancients
or succumb to values of destruction and  mayhem taught by modern day
charlatans. This by no way means we need to return to the days of living
in a shack or tent. We now enjoy many modern luxuries of life, these
are not to be given up, mankind has worked long and hard for this life
style, and we deserve it.

needs to be done now is to merge our modern day knowledge of technology
with the ancients understanding of the spiritual laws of nature and
nature’s God, to create a life unparalleled in history. As we advance in
our knowledge and souls begin uniting with their twin flames, it will
bring forth a Christ Consciousness that will elevate willing souls to a
new heaven on earth, the Seventh Golden Age.

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